Friday, October 12, 2007


And so, let me let you hold me
when I have come to the place
beyond the willingness to labor,
beyond anything but the longing for rest.
Let my emptiness be emptiness
till it reveals to me your face
and let my weariness be weariness
till it prompts me to your rest.
Then may I know the healing of the possibility
of dreams and take up my work again.

Jan Richardson

I need to hear this right now. I need to let Him hold me…I need rest. Sometimes when I think I am at the end of my energy, if I take some time to rest (and not just sleep, but rest) I find that I have the energy to dream and take up my work again.

If you’re struggling with weariness…weariness because of doing good things…rest. Let Him hold you…and rest.

Grace and Peace,


Anonymous said...

That's how I felt before I went on vacation (it was really more of a personal retreat). I was so weary of doing life. My work, family, friends. I just needed time to rest and then I could carry on again.

Anonymous said...

Rest... that is a word I do not practice enough. I loved the message today, and it is one that I think we all could use. Resting in God is the perfect way to recharge and give us the strength to face today.

I read this quote from Max Lucado that I really liked... "Don't heavy today with yesterday's regrets or acidize it with tomorrow's troubles."

God's mercies are new every morning! Sometimes it takes that rest or "time out" to realize that truely God and only God is in control.
