Friday, July 6, 2007


“Prayer for me, used to stand as something separate from other parts of life. But I have come to learn that real prayer is not so much talking to God as just sharing God’s presence….Prayer, I have learned, is more my response to God than a matter of my own initiative.”

Malcolm Boyd

For me, prayer used to be a one way conversation. I talked, God listened. I went through my list and asked God to do ‘this for this person’ and ‘that for that person’, and of course, there were the requests just for me. As I think back on it, it was like I was telling God the way I thought it should be. Some days, it felt like I connected with God, but most days, I felt I was just checking it off my list of things to do to be a good Christian.

I quit praying that way. In fact, I had no idea how to pray any other way but I wanted to try. I asked God to teach me how He wanted me to pray and slowly but surely, my prayer life changed. Now, it rarely involves my talking, either out loud or silently, to God. It more often is sitting with God and listening to Him. I’m sure He finds that to be a refreshing change. I know I do.

Take some time to today to consider your prayer life. Ask God if it is how He wants you to interact with Him….then take some time to listen and see what He might be saying to you.

Grace and Peace,