Monday, June 25, 2007


Occasionally, I come across a quote that immediately impacts me and changes the way I think about something. Recently, I read this by Floyd Lotito:

“Death is not extinguishing the light: it is putting out the lamp because the dawn has come.”

It’s one of those quotes that illuminates what I already know to be true. Ever since I began to follow Jesus, I’ve been taught about the reality of eternal life and that once we leave this place, we are with him. I know it, but sometimes I think it is more head knowledge than known in my heart. When I read this quote, that truth resonated with me. Tears began to form in my eyes as my concept of death shifted.

I often get so tied to the things of this world. I get so tied to this world, period. It is all I know. I recognize that there was a ‘before’ and that there will be an ‘after’, that I am a visitor here….that this is not my home. But I live as if it is.

I love that I have hope…no….I have assurance that there is more. I don’t want to forget this truth.

For those of you who have lost loved ones, I hope this brings you peace. For them, the light did not go out but the dawn has come. May you keep that thought close to your heart. We know it but we can easily forget in the midst of grief.

Grace and peace,