Thursday, June 9, 2011


“I believe in the sun when it isn’t shining.

I believe in love even when I can’t feel it.

I believe in God even when He is silent.”

Barlow Girls

Have you ever been on a plane taking off on a cloudy day? Everything is gray. Then as you move up through the clouds, all of a sudden, you breakthrough to sunshine. Then it dawns on you that it has been shining all the time whether you have been able to see it or not.

I think it has been like that in my spiritual life as well. It can, at times, seem gray. It can seem overcast and I can’t feel God, I can’t hear God. But, just like the sun, He is there, He is present. My inability to hear Him is no more an indication of Him not being there than me not being able to see the air I breathe.

Even if you can’t feel Him today, even if you don’t hear His voice or sense His presence, He is there all the same. If you are in a place right now, where He is silent, gently remind yourself of that truth....that reality.

Grace and peace,


Rob said...

cool post Deb. and here i thought it was just the healthcare meeting making me feel grey!

deb said...

Thanks Rob....and how in the world could that healthcare meeting make you feel grey? That was the most exciting thing in my life this week. :)

And....I said a little 'happy birthday'to Matthew today.