Friday, August 10, 2007


Last year, within the space of three days, I heard or read the story of the wedding feast, the place of Jesus’ first miracle…He turned water into wine. I have read this story countless times but when I encountered it for the third time, in such a short span of time, I asked God what He wanted me to take from this story…how He was speaking to me through it. As I sat, in silence, I felt the desire to write a poem. I do not, at all, consider myself a poet. In fact, I don’t think I’ve written a poem since high school. But, the words that follow flowed out onto the paper. I doubt it would win any awards but it expresses what God laid on my heart that afternoon.

My prayer is that He would speak to you through these words.


simple ordinary container
willing to hold fresh water
to refresh, to quench
sturdy, dependable
loyal, practical
content to be a holder of this sustaining liquid

but wait…
a wedding day
beautiful jars filled with wine
to be seen by all the guests
an extraordinary vessel
to carry the fruit’s offering

then…it’s gone
it has run it’s course
and is no more
guests shall be disappointed
bride and groom disgraced
a wedding feast marred

simple ordinary container willing to hold water
now being filed as usual
but…it is not usual
water? no…wine!
not just wine
but the sweetest wine known.

wine from the vine
sweet and warming
not just to the body
but to the heart

simple ordinary container
sturdy dependable
loyal, practical




Lisa said...

How beautiful and true. When I read it I thought how many time have we thought if only I could do or be something else. When what we are are God's choosen. That is all we need to be, when we allow God to do what HE wants and not what we want.

I love starting my day with your blog. Thank you for taking the time to do this.


deAnn Alyse said...

very very nice, Deb. And guess what? You are a poet. God has filled you, not with wine, but with His creative Spirit. And from that came a beautiful poem, inspired by the heart of God.
Thank you for being still and allowing these striking words to emerge for us all to experience.
loveya, deAnn