Monday, January 16, 2012

soul work

“Soul knowledge sends you in the opposite direction from consumerism. It’s not addition that makes one holy but subtraction: stripping the illusions, letting go of the pretense, exposing the false self, breaking open the heart and the understanding, not taking my private self too seriously.

In a certain sense we are on the utterly wrong track. We are climbing while Jesus is descending, and I think in that we reflect the pride and the arrogance of Western civilization, always trying to accomplish, perform and achieve. We transferred all that to Christianity and became spiritual consumers. The ego is still in charge. When the self takes itself that seriously, there’s no room left for God.

All we can really do is get ourselves out of the way, and we can’t even do that.”

Richard Rohr

What do you think about this quote? Does it resonate with you? Can you see, either in yourself or in others the need to accomplish and perform in the journey with Jesus?

I like Rohr’s assertion that it is not addition that makes one holy – but subtraction. Letting go of more and more; your masks, your title, your entitlement, your ego. Moving into deeper and deeper relationship with Jesus means surrendering more and more of yourself to Him and to His ways.

“When the self takes itself too seriously, there’s no room left for God. All we can really do is get ourselves out of the way, and we can’t even do that.”

In what ways might you try to get yourself out of the way even today?

Grace and peace,