Monday, May 17, 2010


“The Spirit of God is a sacred presence in every person who is born into the world. It was Fox’s belief that if we would sit in stillness and “wait patiently for the Lord” eventually God’s spirit within us would stir and we would feel the Spirit quaking within us.”

The God of Intimacy and Action: Reconnecting Ancient Spiritual Practices, Evangelism, and Justice – Tony Campolo and Mary Darling

The pace of life can drown out our ability to discern God’s leading. I can be so busy doing good things that I can miss what is most important – to sense God’s spirit within.

This past weekend I went away with two friends. The three of us are moving towards developing a non-profit organization. This is our second ‘discernment’ weekend. We have a rhythm to these weekends. We rest, we spend time alone in silence, we pray, we listen, we plan. We want God to lead us, to be as big a part of our process as is our logic and our gifts. Our desire is that we would sense God’s leading in every part of the process. To do that, we feel we need to create space and make time to listen. The listening is as important as the strategy.

And we know that where we began this journey and how we move through it will be what emanates out to those we wish to serve.

It may not be the most expedient way to design and develop a non-profit but it seems right to us. The Spirit is quaking!

May you take the time today to sit….sit and be still. May you sense the Spirit stir.

And to my partners - I appreciate your presence in my life and your willingness to be uncompromised when it comes to your desire to wait and listen to hear God's voice in this work.

Grace and peace,