Friday, December 11, 2009


Tonight I participated in a function at church where we were talking about traditions celebrated by our families. We, as a family, didn’t have a lot of traditions when our children were smaller. We lived far from family and usually traveled over the holidays. As the kids got older and we stayed closer to home, we began to celebrate in some special ways. We always go to Christmas Eve service together which is very meaningful to me. My children are now married and have other families to visit ( I have learned to shared nicely), so we don’t have time together on Christmas Day but we get Christmas Eve. The candle lighting service, a nice array of appetizers and desserts and then there are the gifts. It is a sweet time.
Another tradition I began when my kids were in high school was buying them each an ornament. I have continued that tradition, now doing for their spouses and all the grandchildren.
The newest tradition - two years ago I went to an Advent Silent Retreat. One of the things I sensed God inviting me to do was to write a letter to my husband, my son, his wife, their teenage son, my daughter and her husband. I took time to tell them what I appreciated about, what they added to my life. I put the each letter in an envelope and placed them in the tree. They were able to take them and read them at home.
That was not an easy task. Not because it was hard to come up with things to say but because we do not take the opportunities to tell those close to us how we really feel. We don’t do it because it makes us uncomfortable…or we don’t so it because it might make them uncomfortable. But, as uncomfortable as it was, I know that each of them know I love them and I am glad they are in my life.
Who needs to know how you really feel about them? What would keep you for sharing that? Maybe it’s time to find the stationary and the pen…..and put down on paper what you are carrying your heart. It just might be the best gift they receive this year.
Grace and peace,