Thursday, May 17, 2007


Last night I had the privilege of having dinner with three of my closest friends. We meet two times a month; once for spiritual friendship group and once for dinner. I love spending time with them, learning about what is going on their lives and discussing spiritual things. I can be myself with them…no masks, just me. And they love me, just as I am. They also love me enough to tell me the things I need to hear about myself, like when I am off track, or when I am being critical of others or myself, or when I am not following my inner longings. They, to me, are like Jesus with skin on.

I hope that you have people in your life who are like Jesus, with skin on. I think this is how God wants us to love each other and share in each others lives. I know that my friendship with these women and the other women in my life continues to grow me deeper in my relationship with God. I am so thankful to God for their presence.

Think about who these people might be, in your life, and let them know how they reflect Jesus to you. To all of you who are in my life as reflections of Him….thank you.



Joanne said...

We have move many times through the years and although I've always considered myself to be pretty transparent and easily make friends, I found myself with each move, becoming more shallow and guarded in the new relationships I encountered. Now that it looks like we are staying put, I have let down my guard and am once again enjoying the vulnerability of growing with honesty in relationships as God has given me wonderful Sisters who love Him and who are loving and patient as we journey together on this path. It is SO good and refreshing to let down the guards and be me. Thank you Jesus!

deb said...

And, Joanne, we are SO glad you are here and that we had added to the Sisters!!