Tuesday, March 15, 2011


“If Jesus has done everything to redeem us, do we have to do anything? Well, yes. We have to accept the possibility of our own transformation. We have to receive the grace, interpret the grace, name the grace. We have to act accordingly to the grace we have received; we have to incarnate the message. We have to let ourselves by surprised by joy.”

Emile Griffin, Small Surrenders

When was the last time you were surprised by joy? For me it was three weeks ago. I can have moments of joy in the midst of my day but that day, the joy was overwhelming. It taken me some time to take it in. As I have reflected on what happened, it has made me consider the ‘possibility of my own transformation’ on some level. I need to receive this grace, interpret this grace and name this grace. Those processes are going on deep inside.

Right now, without fully understanding the grace, I need to act accordingly. I need to incarnate the message so that it no longer remains just mine and is for the benefit of those God choses. And…I need to let myself be surprised by joy.
Have you accepted the possibility of your own transformation? Do you really believe that God can and wants to do amazing things in and through you? Without opening yourself to the possibility, you can’t really receive the grace…you can’t really take it in deep down in your soul.

May your prayer be today…

God ~
Let me surprised by joy. Let me accept the possibility of my own transformation…that through You all things are possible. What you give to me, may I freely give to others.


Live this day in grace,

Photo by mmlolek