“As you begin spending time each day looking into the face of Jesus, beholding Him, and listening to His voice, you will find that your life will be transfigured from the inside out.”
Nancy Leigh DeMoss
For years, I tried to change those ‘character’ defects that plagued me. I knew what I should be doing. I would work really hard to change the behavior and I was able to do…for maybe two weeks.
As I’ve spent time just sitting with Jesus, I’ve surrendered my life and my behaviors to him. I’ve given up control of trying to change myself. I’ve turned that over to God. As I’ve done that, I’ve begun to see changes. A situation will come up and I’ll respond in a way that makes me step back and say “Did I just say that?”, or “Did I just do that?” I notice small changes that I am no longer trying to make; they are just happening.
I see these changes as transformation that is happening from the inside out. Sitting in God’s presence is allowing Him the time and the space to change my heart. And…it is his work, not mine. I cannot take any credit for it. And it seems like the most naturally thing in the world.
Consider carving out some time for God today…time to just ‘be’ with him. Surrender your heart to him, your struggles, your behaviors, your everything. And step back and wait for incredible changes to take place as you live out of a transfigured heart.
Grace and peace,
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