Tuesday, January 20, 2009


"You can’t make someone love you, all you can do is be someone who can be loved, the rest is up to the person to realize your worth."

Not much is more painful than to love someone who doesn’t return that love, to want to be in relationship with someone who doesn’t want the same thing.

I have a friend who is going through a tough time right now. She loves her child but there doesn’t seem to be any interest in a relationship on his part. What this young man doesn’t know is that his mom is an incredible woman. She is warm and gifted. She is generous and giving. She is nurturing and compassionate. He doesn’t see that there would be so many benefits to having her in his life.

God is using this painful situation to show her how she may need to redefine the word “family”. She is seeing that there are people in her life who want to be there. She is seeing that she has a lot to give others and she is beginning to give back what she has received. She is learning to depend on God for her sense of worth and dignity.

I am sad for her son. He is missing out on having a relationship with his mom. My prayer for him is that he realizes what he is missing before too much time has gone by.

Bottom line ~ relationships can bring immense joy or incredible pain into our lives. This side of heaven, they will continue to be a struggle. But, when we find our worth in God, although it may still be painful, we can rise above it.

Grace and peace,