Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Last week I was at Creation. If you don’t know what that is, think of it as a Christian Woodstock. 75,000 people on a hillside listening to music groups and speakers. Crazy.

Amid all the noise, all the people, all the responsibility (I work at the festival) I was able to hear God speak. One of the bands, Tenth Ave North, shared a prayer that they pray. It goes:

“Satisfy me, Lord…I’m begging you to help me see that you’re all I want and what I need.”

I want that to be my prayer. I am, all the time, looking to other things to satisfy me. I say all I want is God but I find myself falling into other traps so easily. I want material things. I want recognition. I want control. I want love. I want, I want, I want. See a theme here? Never satisfied.

I think that is because I am always using substitutes. Don’t get me wrong…I get glimpses of only wanting God, only needing God, but sometimes it seems as if they last as long as the next commercial or the next thing that doesn’t go my way. But I know that I am closer than I was last year and hopefully, I’ll be even closer next year.

I invite you to spend some time today asking God to create a desire in you that He would be enough…He would satisfy you.

Grace and peace,