Friday, January 11, 2008


Ok. Today I am going to do something I have thought about before but didn’t have the courage to do. It is a risk for me. And it includes you. Today I leave for a week’s vacation. I will be out if the country. Usually, if I do something like this, you don’t know because I am still writing. But…this time…I am really going on vacation. No blog for one week. It isn’t that I haven’t been gone before but I would write ahead and my daughter would post for me. But, she has found something a little more exciting and time consuming to tend to, (little Jem) so I don’t want to add one more thing to her busy life. I haven’t quite worked all the bugs out of the new blog which would allow for me to write ahead and the posts would then be posted automatically, so I will suspend the writing for one week.

You may be saying, “Big deal? What’s the risk?” The risk is that you will forget to come back and visit me after this week.

I have been to blogs before and there is will be a post written for three days and then . . . nothing. I go back and still nothing. Then I forget to go back. That is why I have tried to be faithful to writing everyday but Sundays. But, let me tell you . . .this blog is like being in a marriage! It is a real commitment! I can hardly believe that I have anything to say that people would want to hear. Although there are rarely ‘Comments’, I do get personal emails or verbal a ‘thank you’. Or someone will tell me that I must be looking into their life, into their heart because what I wrote that morning speaks to exactly where they are. God is amazing…and so I keep writing.

My prayer is that God will speak to you in a variety of ways during the next week and that He will give me fresh ideas and insights to come back to you with.

So, don’t forget. I will be back on the morning of Monday, Jan 21. See you then.

Grace and peace,


Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful trip and I know I will be back!!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your vacation! I'll be back, too!!!

Anonymous said...

We will be here waiting...

God Bless your trip!

Anonymous said...

Very nice site, can't wait to see the new one up and running. I'll make sure to be back.