Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Have you ever been in a great mood and then walked into a situation that, for some reason sets your teeth on edge and you find that you are ‘cranky’? It happened to me the other night. I know, I know…you find it SO hard to believe that I could ever be cranky but it does happen once or twice a year. :0)

I had a meeting at a restaurant with friends and when I got there, the ‘crank’ began. There was going be six of us. We were seated in one of those booths made for four. First crank. I’m not sure what’s wrong with me but I have this thing about booths in restaurants. I really don’t like those round– in- the-corner booths. I never know where to sit. If it’s only two of you, there is huge space between you. You end up looking at the side of someone’s head instead of at their face. I always ask them to take me to another booth. Then there are these four people booths where they think it is conformable to sit six people. (I’m sure about now you are wondering why you even visitied the blog today ‘cause this woman is just not right!)

Crank #2. The temperature. It was cold in this place…it’s always cold in this place. My fault though. I know it’s cold in this place and I should have dressed appropriately . . . in my long underwear . . . to go out for dinner. What is it with restaurants (and movie theaters)…sometimes I think it might be warmer to eat outside!

Crank # 3. No Splenda on the table. They have, they just don’t want you to know they have it. So you have to ask. Then they forget. So I have to go to my coat, which I need to hang on a peg across the room ‘cause there is no room for it to be in the booth with me (which by the way would have helped with the cold). . . and get my own personal stash. Then, they see my Splenda on the table and assume they already brought it.

Can you even believe I am writing about this stuff? It’s ridiculous. It is ridiculous that I would get bent out of shape but small things like this when there is so much more going on in the world. And the ironic thing is that this meeting was a ministry meeting! But, the reason I do write about it is that I bet you can identify. Maybe not with the booth thing, or the temp thing or the Splenda thing, but I bet you have your own thing. Can you think of one? We all have them. Those little petty things that set your mood. I can let those things take my joy completely or I can sit back, look at the situation, and laugh at how silly I can be over little irritations.

The bigger picture is that I need to guard my heart or I will be held captive by the little things. They can really reveal deeper issues. May you have a good booth, warm, Splenda kinda day!

Grace and peace,


Jane said...

Thanks for the laugh! Im sorry, I dont mean to laugh at your crankiness...Im laughing at the million times that I have been right there with you. What I found amazing is that normally, I feed into these circumstances...just so you wont be alone in it or maybe just because Im feeling a little cranky too...I dont know...but what I find so refreshing is of us can recognize that we are human and not perfect....sometimes life on planet earth just grabs us. I am so grateful that you can be so honest...its what makes you real to everyone...and mostly to yourself! Thanks again...Ill stop laughing now!
I love you,