Thursday, September 16, 2010


“In biblical terms, it is wisdom we need to live together in this world. Wisdom is not gained by knowing what is right. Wisdom is gained by practicing what is right, and noticing what happens when that practice succeeds and when it fails. Wise people do not have to be certain what they believe before they act. They are free to act, trusting that the practice itself will teach them what they need to know. “

Barbara Brown Taylor

It is a beautiful quote, isn’t it? Have you ever thought of wisdom like that? I haven’t. I must admit that I have thought of wisdom as knowing the right thing. But, when I read this quote, it is as if scales fell off my eyes! It makes perfects sense to me that wisdom is something that is gained by practice, not something I know…that is knowledge.

Have you ever known someone who was filled with knowledge, but seem to have no wisdom? Hmmmmm…..

And…I love the fact that she says that wise people don’t have to be certain what they believe before they act. If I know that God loves me and if I trust Him, then I can do my best to make wise choices - and if they turn out to be otherwise, I can know that He will teach me through the process. Nothing is wasted with God.

Today…may you walk in such a way that you are practicing wisdom.
Grace and peace,