Wednesday, September 1, 2010


“Being loved by God is different. His love is unique in that it has nothing to do with me. God hasn’t chosen to love me because of things about me that he finds lovable. God’s love has everything to do with what’s true about God. It is God’s nature to love, and so God loves me naturally.”

Fil Anderson

Do you find this hard to believe? I know I do. Maybe it’s because so much of the love we experience here on earth has to do with our performance. So many times I feel I am more loved if I do a good job, if I produce, if I do things for other people. It is contrary to what I know and have experienced, to accept that God loves me just as I am and not because of anything I do for Him.

Several years ago, I began to wrestle with this idea. I don’t have it down yet but it is beginning to sink in.

Do you do things that you think will make God love you more? Are there things in your past that you think prevent God from loving you completely? Can you consider that you have a less than complete picture of God and of His character…and the way that He loves? He loves you right now with all the fullness that the God of the universe is capable of. There is nothing you can do to increase that love and thankfully, there is nothing you can do to decrease it either. Reflect on that thought for a few moments today. The love of God for you is incomprehensible. Simple. True. Beautiful.

Grace and Peace,