Friday, September 17, 2010

die to live

“Many think that dying to themselves is what causes them so much pain. But it is actually part of them that still lives that causes the problem. Your imagination exaggerates how bad death will be. Let all that is not born of God within you die.”
Francois Fenelon

Why do we hang on so hard to what is not good for us, in us? Why do we fear what might be new and good?
I have been pondering this concept of ‘dying to self’. In the past, I have thought that meant dying to who I am, almost as if I would become a non-entity. I no longer believe that. I think it is dying to that part of myself that wants to be God. That is hard. But I no longer think it is dying to my personality, my core - because I am made in the image of God. That is good, perfect and beautiful. I want to choose to live to that part of who I am – live more fully into the part of me that reflects God and die to the part that doesn’t. Honestly, I cannot always tell the difference. But God can. And sitting with Him in silence, I offer up myself and ask Him to do the work in me that needs to be done.

What part of yourself are you resisting dying to? What part of yourself needs to live fully into who you were created to be? I invite you to spend some time today considering these questions.
Grace and peace,


Unknown said...

I love this Deb! So true, the part about not always being able to tell the difference, but God does. Also, I sat with my 97 year old mother-in-law this summer as she was dying, and it struck me how much work is involved with dying. Her body was shutting down, but some parts were less willing to surrender to death than others; it appeared to be a laborious struggle for her even in her unconscious state. But finally, life was surrendered, and she was and is free. I see the correlation to your post topic.

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,
This quote is one of my favorites. I have been meditating on it for some time now. The beauty in dying is the freedom that comes with it. Freedom from self. I don't have to hold myself up or protect myself or worry about what others think because it is no longer I who lives but it is Christ who lives in me. Thank you Jesus!