Saturday, May 31, 2008

change are in the right place. As you can see, the look of the blog has changed. I've been looking for something different to better go with the personality of my website and for now, I've settled here.

Sometimes, change is hard. We get used to things being a certain way. I know I used to have a certain way I would spend time with God. When I opened myself to experience something different, not only did it change the way I was 'with' changed my relationship with Him. In the midst of that change, other changes began to take place. I think being open to the possibility that God wanted to bring some change into my life, opened me to trusting those changes even though they were very different, and in some areas, radically different. In many ways, the change God is bringing about in my life is like the change a caterpillar endures to become a butterfly. There is darkness, at times, when I am not sure of what is happening, when I can't see around the next corner. And, sometimes, there is struggle, as I try to make sense of the process. But, I am convinced that without the darkness, where I need to trust Jesus to carry me through and without the struggle, which strengthens me, the transformation could not take place.

I invite you to open yourself to whatever change God wants to bring into your life. Change can be exciting, mysterious and unpredictable. Take a chance.

Grace and peace,


Kimberly Preske said...

I love the new look, the eqivalent of painting a room a totally different color. I said to someone recently with all the new changes I feel like I am on a journey without a map. I wanted a clear direction, a destination. His reply was "welcome to discipleship."Wow...Kimberly

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