Monday, April 28, 2008


This past weekend was very stressful for me. What should have been an awesome time turned into moments of panic and fear. We had given our children tickets to a Broadway show for Christmas. This past Saturday was the day. On Friday, I looked for the tickets and guess what? I couldn’t find them. We are in the middle of a remodel of our kitchen and that was the last place I saw the tickets. What a crazy, panicked feeling! I looked everywhere and couldn’t find them. After about two hours of searching and worrying, I finally called the box office and they assured me I could still get my family into the theater.

Then, Saturday morning, we left for the train station and, once there, I couldn’t find my driver’s license. My train ticket said that ID would be required. I envisioned myself driving back home while my family got on the train to go to New York. I tore everything out of my purse and finally found my ID. Guess what? No one asked for it.

Then in New York, there was plenty of fretting…did we have enough time for lunch before the show, would we get into the show in time standing in this long line, would I miss any of the show waiting in the incredibly long line at the bathroom during intermission (I didn’t miss any of the show because they announced it about to begin and I immediately got out of the line (with only 4 more people in front of me)to go back in the theater and wait 10 more minutes for it to begin!), would we make it back to the train station in time to catch our train home? Notice a pattern here?

It was a lovely day that I allowed to be marred by worrying about everything when there was no need to worry. Worry is about something in the future that may or may not happen…most times it doesn’t but I, none the less, spend time worrying. That also means I am living in the future instead of in the present. That is not how I want to live my life.

God…help me today to be present. Help me rest in You today and know that whatever this day holds, with all of its twists and turns, is what You have for me. I want to live in the moment…with You.

Grace and peace,


Jan said...

Deb, thanks for sharing. What a worried, harried, and stressful time! I've lost things like that, but it didn't seem to go on and on. I'm glad you got there and had a good time. Thanks for the reminder to be PRESENT.