Tuesday, April 29, 2008


“It is a rare self-understanding today which lets one believe that his or her aches and yearnings are mystical.”
Richard Rolheiser

So many times, I ignore or push down those longings I carry deep within. To think about them creates an ache inside. To voice them seems inconceivable, opening me to extreme vulnerability.

I want to be able to trust God with these longing, to talk to Him about them. To allow Him to bring them to pass in my life if that is what is to be. To be able to get out of the way and allow God to use me, to move in me any way He chooses…even when it means fulfilling some of my inner desires. It requires a shift in my thinking…that God not only calls me to those things that I might find difficult and need to fully depend on Him to accomplish but also to those things that I deeply desire to do.

I invite you to spend some time in silence today, allowing those desires to surface. Share your thoughts and feelings with God and remain open to how and when He wants to bring them to pass.

Grace and peace,


Kimberly Preske said...

Isn't it interesting how as our worldly desires for things, status and money wanes what we find ourselves desiring? As the former extrovert, I now crave a Merton solitude, yet I also desire to serve Him with all I am. That means letting my fear slide away, trusting Him with everything again and desiring to stand up and speak about His movement in my life. I am back at the same place I was 5 years ago, except I now have a true knowledge of Him and want to follow Him, not lead. Kim

P.S. Ronald Rolheiser is the keynote at Spritual Directors International 2009

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

"It requires a shift in my thinking…that God not only calls me to those things that I might find difficult and need to fully depend on Him to accomplish but also to those things that I deeply desire to do."

Yes, that is hard for me to believe too, but I am slowly, slowly learning.

Thank you for the good words in this post.

Anonymous said...

Love your blog. Thank you for the words.

deb said...

I want you all to know how much I have appreciated your comments over the past week or so. They add so much to the conversation. Please continue to share your insight as it gives me more to think about as well..

Grace and peace,