Friday, July 8, 2011


Mornings….I love mornings. I really love early morning. I love the time before the busyness begins. In the morning, around 5:30, I get a cup of coffee and sit in an overstuffed chair in my bedroom. First, I light a candle. I love candles. I love them because of the significance of Christ being the light of the world. But, I must admit, I also love them because of the fragrance. I am very picky about my candle fragrance. I also love the mood a candle provides. Ok...I'm rambling about candles. Moving on....

Sometimes I turn on some very soft classical music. Then I just sit. I close my eyes and just breathe. I cannot think of any other time I just breathe. I can feel my shoulders dropping, and my breathing getting deeper and slower. I relax into it. I can hear the birds and my wind chimes. Sometimes thoughts come into my mind…about an email I didn’t answer or thinking about what we will have for dinner. When I notice that I am ‘thinking’, I try to let go of the thought and go back to awareness of my breathing.

Why do I do this? It seems like it is one of the only times I can truly be present…present with God. My ultimate thought is about Him. I just want to sit and be still with Him. No agenda, nothing to “do”. Just being. It’s not easy to just ‘be’. Doesn’t that sound strange…that it would be easier to actually ‘do’ something than to just ‘be’? This ‘being’ business is not natural. But it so worth the effort.

When I move into spending time in scripture and journaling about what I hear God saying, I feel so much more focused. I feel much more receptive to hearing Him. It truly has become the most favorite time of my day.

I invite you to try just sitting with Him…eyes closed, and paying attention to your breathing. Relax….and listen to what God may be saying to you. May it be a sweet time with Him.

Grace and peace,