Thursday, February 11, 2010


“Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it. Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held. Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books. Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin. Believe nothing just because someone else believes it. Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true”. [paraphrased]Buddha

“But, you can ALWAYS believe Google.”Deb

I had a friend recently who told me that sometimes the blog seems too serious and that she enjoys my infrequent attempts at humor. So – this one’s for you.

Back to my vacation – the saga continues.

One day we were sitting on the beach. Some of the family went snorkeling. They were exploring coral reefs and when they came back to the beach, they talked about hearing a clicking sound while they were underwater. My husband, Jeff, loves the History Channel and the Discovery Channel. The wealth of information he possesses is staggering. But, sometimes, I think he makes things up. No lying, mind you…just a little leg pulling.

So, when they began to talk about the ‘clicking’ sound, Jeff said that it was caused by a fish called a parrot fish. The parrot fish eats coral, digests it and then ‘expels’ it. Ok…that I can handle. But then he said that the parrot fish ‘expelations’ (ok…I don’t think that is a word but I am trying to be delicate here) is what we know as the sand on a coral beach. Yeah, right. People pay big bucks to take a vacation to go lay on parrot fish poo. I don’t think so.
That same day he began to talk about a cat-like creature in Africa that eats coffee beans, which go through its system and out the other end. Those discarded beans become the most expensive coffee in the world. Are you seeing the theme here? Again, I had a hard time believing him.

As soon as we got back to the house I ‘googled’ parrot fish and expensive cat-droppings coffee. Guess what – both are true. I had to apologize for doubting him.

We got a lot of mileage and laughter out of these strange phenomenons. And, although not a lovely moonbow or a lyrical ‘singing’ beach, I had an opportunity to once again marvel at the creativity of God – the ultimate recycler.

Grace and peace,


Unknown said...

All I have to say is "Do you want a cup of REALLY EXPENSIVE coffee Deb?"

deb said...

No - Dunkins Donuts is just fine with me. :0)