Tuesday, March 10, 2009

a date

This past weekend, during our retreat, one of the gals brought a movie called The Perfect Stranger, about a girl who is invited to a date with Jesus. I didn’t watch it because I had a date with my bed. :0)

But it made me think. What would it look like to plan a date with Jesus? This idea could revolutionize what has formerly been known as ‘quiet time’. Whenever I hear ‘quiet time’ I think of a formula I must follow. It conjures up visions of a pre-determined set of activities to go through. Read my Bible, say my prayers and be on my way.

But a date with Jesus? That seems mysterious and unpredictable. It also seems inviting and sweet. I envision it as me showing up and letting Him set the agenda. What does He want to do? What does He want to talk about? How does He want me to respond?

I am looking forward to this. I think I set out some wine and cheese, and definitely chocolate, and wait with anticipation for Him to meet me there.
Consider carving out some time to have a date with Jesus. Do your part….set the time aside and set the mood to meet with Him. Then just sit in His presence and listen to Him as he tells you He loves you.

Grace and peace,


Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,
There is nothing like having a date with Jesus! Thank you for all you do for women and especially for being part of my own journey.

deb said...


Thank you for your comments. Take some time soon and plan a date! :0)
