Thursday, February 3, 2011

cloud of witnesses

As you reflect on your relationship with Jesus, who was instrumental in your spiritual life? Perhaps you had the privilege of being raised in a Christian home where God was no stranger. Maybe it was a parent or grandparent who prayed with you and told you that God loved you. Or perhaps it was a friend, within which you noticed something different, something attractive. Or maybe you were like me and it was the guy who took a chance on dating someone who didn’t have a strong relationship with God.

Through their example you realized there was more to this “God” thing. As I think back I can name several people who God used to woo me to Him. I am so grateful to Him for placing them in my life.

I invite you to spend some time today reflecting on who those people were in your life. Who pointed you to the One who loves you more than anyone possibly could? Who shared the truth of who He is? Who stirred the desire in your heart for more?

Grace and peace,

Photo by Karindalziel


Carol Sch. said...

Just want to tell you, Deb, that He used you last year to teach me a life changing lesson on "expectations". I praise and thank Him for the lesson and for enabling you to deliver it to me. God bless you, Sister. (sorry, that does not change my feelings about the Steelers... Go Green Bay!!!) LOL!!!!

deb said...

Carol -
So glad it touched you...and as far as your support of the the Packers go - there is always time for transformation, my sister. Come over to the black and good side. :)