Tuesday, October 19, 2010


“Don’t think God has ordained you to carry the entire space – time universe on your own back. God created it. God sustains it and God intends that ‘the government will be upon his shoulder’.”
Boston Businessman

Do you ever feel like me and think the world will fall off its axis if you don’t do everything you are doing? Most women just go and go and go. We carry everything. Stuff from the family, stuff from work, stuff from ministry. And, when we do this, we don’t have the time or the energy to focus on the things that God wants us to attend to.

I think this is part of the fall…thinking we are like God. The thinking that ‘if we don’t do it, it won’t get done’. For me, it also speaks to lack of trust in God. If I feel I have to do everything, that means I don’t think God is capable of doing it…or that He needs my help.

I am trying to relax in Him, trying to build some margins into my day so I have time for Him; not time ‘doing’ something for Him but time just being with Him.

If you say to yourself that you don’t have time to be with God, consider giving some thought to how you might have your priorities ordered. Consider letting God be God and taking some of the weight off your shoulders.

Grace and peace,