Saturday, August 21, 2010


Tomorrow is the Sabbath…a day of rest. But for most of us, Sunday is a day to catch up on everything we don’t get done throughout the week.

God didn’t design us to run seven days a week. We are finite beings and we have limited energy. But you couldn't tell that by looking at us! We don’t like to admit that we are tired, that we need rest, that it might be good for us to relax. What is productive about that?

I fall victim to this mentality too. To take time to read for pleasure always brings me some level of guilt. If I am going to take the time to read, it should be something that pertains to my work or my ministry. Reading fiction? How will that benefit the world? Or watching a movie, listening to music, taking a walk?

But, that is my faulty thinking. God is present in relaxation the same way he is present in work. He made me and he knows it isn’t good for me to keep going without resting. I seem to be the one doesn’t know it. And, I bet you suffer from the same malady.

Rest is a gift from God…a gift that we don’t exercise enough. We think that sleeping covers it but our mind needs to rest in its ‘awake’ state. We need to learn how to play and rest as well as work.

Tomorrow is Sunday. You can practice sabbath time any day but perhaps it would be a nice start to plan some time tomorrow as ‘sabbath’ time. Relax…..the world will go on.

Grace and Peace,