Thursday, December 20, 2007


Have you been out in the past couple of days? It’s crazy out there. Last Friday night, I went out to meet a friend for dinner. It took me a ½ hour to get from east York….to….EAST YORK!!! The traffic was non-stop. People were so desperate to get where they were going that they would pull out into the intersection, on a yellow light, hoping the cars in front of them would move enough to get them out of the middle of the road. Then those of us who had already waited through 5 light cycles couldn’t go because there was a (……ummm…hmmmmm…what do you call a person who pulls out into the intersection when they know they can’t get through??) …a poor decision maker…in the middle of the road blocking our path!

And all of that is what is happening outside of the stores. Last weekend (my first mistake) I went to Toys Are Us. There were no carts in the stores and the lines at the checkouts were, yeah, they were crazy.

As I, as you, get caught up in the craziness that defines this time of year, take time out to remember why we celebrate. If I am not intentional I can go through most of the holiday season and not give time to being with Him. Set some time aside to today to just be. And don’t count your waiting time in traffic…’cause it’s crazy out there!! 

Grace and peace,